Blog Lists

Telecommunications Association NBN Presentation 28 April 2015

One 28 April 2015 at 12:30pm, I will be giving a presentation on the NBN at the monthly Telecommunications Association Lunchtime Seminar to be held at the Telstra Conferencing Centre, Level 1 / 242 Exhibition St, Melbourne VIC 3000. For further information and how to attend please register here.

Abbott's copyright kowtow a step backwards

The discussion this week in Business Spectator revolves around how the Abbott government has caved in to sustained pressure from the US media industry and introduced copyright laws into parliament that appear to have the sole purpose of stamping out the rebellion against delayed access to content and rip-off prices. Was it a coincidence that the Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull introduced the

Missing the national Wi-Fi boat

An investigation into Telstra’s Wi-Fi network this week in Business Spectator has highlighted the chaotic nature of the telecommunications industry, the lack of a government plan for the inevitable national and community public Wi-Fi rollouts and dithering by NBN Co, that has led to a missed opportunity to utilise the National Broadband Network (NBN) as infrastructure of choice for special services like Universal Service Obligation (USO) funded payphones and Wi-

The Active International Response to Cyber Crime

The international cyber-security versus cyber-crime battle is gathering pace and what we’re seeing is the formation of international alliances to fight this rising scourge. However, the online world is unlike any other, it will take more than a defensive mindset to win this battle. Today in CSO the active response option is highlighted and moves around the world to take the fight to cyber-criminals are discussed.

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The NBN Fibre Cost Shock

NBN Co's FTTN/ Fibre on Demand has been released and the cost will shock most people. This week in Business Spectator the details of NBN Co's FTTN/FOD are discussed and what this means for customers that want to upgrade to FTTP is described and the outcome is not pleasant.

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NBN and USO: Searching for a better alignment

The government has announced another review of the USO and how it should integrate with the NBN. Improved reach, new technologies and more competition are possible, but how will the government overcome the 20 year agreement the former government signed with Telstra? Telstra can play a big part in an improved USO, but so can NBN Co. The potential outcomes are discussed in Business Spectator this week.

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