Wardriving and surviving: who else is using your Wi-Fi?

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Late last month the Queensland Police started a new project to highlight the urgent need for secure wireless internet connections.

The “wardriving” project involves police driving the streets of Queensland, searching for unsecured Wi-Fi coming from houses and businesses.

The NBN, service providers and you ... what could go wrong?

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Unless you’ve been boycotting all forms of media in the past five years, you’ll be aware that the National Broadband Network (NBN) is well and truly on its way.

Why is Telstra Next G serving your data to Netsweeper in America?

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Telstra representatives have this week admitted to collecting data for a new internet filtering product and sending this data to the USA office of Netsweeper Inc.

SCAMwatch – a helping hand against online scammers

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Crimes of confidence, known as scams, are on the rise. You probably know the basics. The way the most common type of scam works involves you being presented with an offer, product or service for which you pay and then don’t receive anything.

Scams have always been big business and perpetrators have adapted quickly to new technology. Telephone, mail and now the internet have provided an ever-growing platform for large-scale, and coordinated, scam attacks.

Australia's shame: military superannuation leaves Diggers in poverty

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Defence force families in Australia are falling into poverty because military superannuation funds and pensions are not indexed at a fair rate.

Is this how we, as Australians, want to treat those who have risked their lives to protect the freedoms we cherish?

Will we face a situation where former soldiers and their families are living in penury during their old age?


Cybercrime bill makes it through – but what does that mean for you?

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Yesterday afternoon the Australian Senate passed the Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 following amendments suggested by the Labor Party.

Why Australians want roaming rip-offs to stop

Business Spectator - 29 August 2012

Telecommunications companies already make mammoth profits from international roaming charges and these profits have only increased with the introduction of smart phones. Telcos now not only apply international roaming charges to phone calls, but to other popular services like SMS, email, web browsing and social media use as well.

Is Origin Smart sleepwalking into a shocking personal data breach?

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Explainer: what is 4G?

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

If you’re looking to buy a new smartphone or computer you’ve probably seen advertisements and offers for 4G-compatible devices. You might even own a 4G-compatible device already.

But just what is 4G? How does it compare to existing 3G networks? And what is the current availability of 4G networks in Australia?

Why data retention laws won’t work

Business Spectator 12 Septempber 2012

Attorney-General Nicola Roxon took an unusual step yesterday, launching a video on YouTube to put a new position on the proposed cyber-security and cyber-crime laws.
