The new PM and the NBN. ‘An expensive lemon’

In Business Spectator the discussion is on how the rollout of the National Broadband Network continues at a sedate speed and the litany of excuses from NBN’s management only further highlights why the multi-technology mix (MTM) approach was always fraught with danger. Recently, NBN boss Bill Morrow made a few interesting, some might say injudicious, observations about the rollout of the network and the role the previous NBN management had played in the problematic constr

Quigley fights back on NBN costs

In Business Spectator the fight back by former NBN Co CEO Mike Quigley highlights the dodgy figures being used by the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to justify the second rate NBN being provided under his watch that will ultimately be far more expensive than an all fibre fixed-access network and delivered years after it should be.

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NBN Co's Technology Change Program nothing more than a rip-off

In Business Spectator NBN Co's Technology Change Program is shown to be little more than window dressing to provide substance to the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's shallow promise that FTTP would be available to those that want it.

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Fifield needs to take the lead on Universal Service

Senator Fifield's new role as Communications Minister provides an opportunity for him to take leadership and ownership of a broad review of Universal Service provision in Australia but the review foreshadowed by the former Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Communications, and former Optus executive, Paul Fletcher has yet to materialise and in Business Spectator the focus is on why it is time for Fifield to step up and take c

What the NBN will look like in 2020

The second phase of the National Broadband Network (NBN) rollout has commenced and it is now less than five years until the Coalition government has indicated the rollout will be completed so what will the NBN look like in 2020? One possible scenario is discussed in Business Spectator and you might be surprised by what will happen to the NBN.

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Can NBN withstand the pressure test?

The Coalition government's under increasing pressure to drop FTTN and a recent Senate Select hearing into the NBN heard from a range of organisations about why the NBN needs to be built with the future in mind. In The Australian the Senate hearing events are unpacked.

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The most expensive HFC deal in the world

In The Australian NBN Co's $1.6 billion HFC remediation deal with Telstra is discussed and how the multi-tecfhnology mix National Broadband Network is benefiting Telstra should be a worry for the telecommunications industry.

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What the government doesn’t want you to know about the NBN

The Coalition government's decision to move to a second rate NBN is in trouble and why there should be a shift back to a fibre NBN is discussed at John Menadue's Pearls and Irritations.

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The Coalition’s National Broadband Network (NBN) plan is in trouble and the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull should heed the mounting calls for the Coalition NBN plan to be dropped before the nation’s digital future is harmed irreparably.


The NBN middle ground

The FTTdp option is discussed in The Australian to provide a description of how FTTdp can be deployed using several different scenarios, one of which is already being deployed in Europe and a much smaller and less ambitious rollout is being planned by NBN Co. A high density FTTdp rollout is possibly a middle ground approach between FTTP and FTTN, but this scenario is yet to be adopted. 


Labor's NBN silence

As the wait for Labor's NBN plan continues it is timely to discuss how Labor might benefit by taking a realistic approach to broadband policy and in The Australian the discussion centres on why Labor should not try to turn back the clock to 2013 because renegotiating existing contracts would inevitably lead to further delays and cost blowouts.

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