NBN Co's fibre tangle

A key aspect of the NBN has been the Senates ongoing inquiries into what is happening at NBN Co and the latest appearances by NBN Co executives at the Senate Select Committee has provided valuable information that is generating debate around why NBN Co has shifted to the multi-technology mix NBN without due justification for a life-time cost analysis of the current renewal of existing broadband infrastructure.

Attack of the NBN zealots

You're either a fibre zealot, an economic rationalist zealot competition zealot or simply missing the point of the NBN, which is to provide a refresh of broadband infrastructure that will have a lifetime of 50-80 years and not a short-term injection of funds to get to the next iteration of an obsolete technology.

The NBN Phony war is over

This week in Business Spectator the end of the NBN phony war is cause for celebration. The telecommunications industry has finally shifted to ask the hard questions of a government policy for a second best broadband network that will do nothing for Australia's economy when compared with countries that have adopted a fibre to the premises rollout.

NBN Co's great gamble

The great Hybrid-Fibre Coax gamble is well underway at NBN Co and what this will mean for consumers is discussed in Business Spectator. The promises of future upgrades and black spot remediation are under the microscope as there is increasing evidence that the short term promise of a quick boost in NBN customer numbers provided by existing HFC customers is too big a cherry for the government and the communications minister Malcolm Turnbull to overlook.

Will the NBN political spin cycle ever end?

The Communication Minister Malcolm Turnbull gave a speech recently at the inaugural Ovum 2020 Summit and, whether you listened to the speech or read the transcript later, there was a distinct touch of deja vu.

The NBN twilight zone

The Minister for Communications Malcolm Turnbull's startling admission at the recent CommsDay NBNRebooted event held in Sydney is a cause for concern because up to 30 per cent of premises are being left in limbo by a decision not to connect them to the National Broadband Network.

NBN and net neutrality: What it means for Australian consumers

The battle raging in the US over net neutrality and the possible outcome will affect Australian consumers.

Is Telstra Wi-Fi anti-competitive?

Telstra’s nationwide Wi-Fi network has recently been launched amidst some confusion over infrastructure ownership, payments and access to facilities funded wholely or in part by the universal service obligation.

Curtain rises on NBN's second act

2014 is winding down but for NBN Co the way is clear to move forward in 2015. After a delay in the first half of 2015 whilst the ACCC signs off on the new Telstra and Optus agreements, we should expect NBN Co to hit the streets in the second half of the year, rolling out FTTN technology that the German government now says is obsolete and should not be used. What is the government's intent in the lead up to the next election - to build a network the nation needs or one that will put Australia behind the rest of the world?

NBN's road to 'bare-minimum broadband'

The Coalition's NBN policy is now a 'bare-minimum broadband' policy that will set Australia at the back of the pack over time. This week in Business Spectator the Turnbull approach to how to cause telecommunications chaos is discussed and what the detrimental effects will be for Australia are highlighted.

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