
Controlling the Internet

Internet governance is one of the most important yet difficult goals facing the world today. The Internet is now an integral part of the daily lives of people around the globe, but little is known about how to guide the Internet's future.

Will the NBN fix the telecommunications industry?

There is a lot of history behind the National Broadband Network (NBN), and it goes right back to 1982 and the dawn of the Australian deregulated telecommunications industry. Today, on John Menadue's blog the key decisions since 1982 are discussed and we find that Australia has not found a way to fix the underlying problems. I have tried to stay outside the political realm and explain the reasons why government moved to introduce the NBN and why the NBN does not provide fair competition (even before NBN 2.0 was mooted).

Is an NBN compromise still possible?

The bipartisan agreement on the renewable energy target demonstrates how an industry body can work for an outcome that finds the middle ground. The Clean Energy Council has led the way and demonstrated that the Communications Alliance should be pushing for a bipartisan solution for the National Broadband Network.

Can the NBN spark a rural and remote mobile revolution?

The Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee chaired by Deena Shiff has provided a report that highlights the need for a new approach to how telecommunications including broadband is provided in regional and remote areas and in Business Spectator the discussion focuses on how change might occur that benefits people living in Australia's often forgotten outback.

NBN Co's Technology Change Program nothing more than a rip-off

In Business Spectator NBN Co's Technology Change Program is shown to be little more than window dressing to provide substance to the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's shallow promise that FTTP would be available to those that want it.

Read the full article below

What the NBN will look like in 2020

The second phase of the National Broadband Network (NBN) rollout has commenced and it is now less than five years until the Coalition government has indicated the rollout will be completed so what will the NBN look like in 2020? One possible scenario is discussed in Business Spectator and you might be surprised by what will happen to the NBN.

Read the full article below
