Sitting on a congested one lane NBN
Sitting on a congested one lane NBN

Have you ever wondered what it will be like to have a faster NBN and to find that you still suffer from congestion and cannot get anything done? Well, the Coalition's multi-technology mix NBN appears to be headed in that direction. And there does not appear to be any concern from the company spending $43 billion to build the NBN. In Business Spectator the problems with a lack of capacity and the resulting congestion are discussed.

Baby Steps for NBN Co
Baby Steps for NBN Co

NBN Co has slowed down the rollout whilst the new Telstra agreement is finalised. During the lull NBN Co is trying to sort out some of the issues found during the start-up years. In Business Spectator read about the baby steps taken by NBN Co to fix the construction process and pricing structure are welcome news for the telecommunications industry.

Read the full article below

Playing NBN Politics with the ACCC
Playing NBN Politics with the ACCC

The government took the unusual step of writing to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commision (ACCC) chairman Rod Sims to plead for the 2011 agreement between NBN Co and Telstra to be during the ACCC’s public inquiry into making Final Access Determinations (FADs) for the declared fixed-line services. Is Turnbull another Alan Bond?

NBN Project Pin Map Launched
NBN Project Pin Map Launched

The Australasian Association for Information and Communication Technology (AAICT) has launched the first project activity, the NBN Project Pin Map. Registered users can upload photos and descriptions to the AAICT website and place a pin to show where the photos were taken. Everyone is encouraged to share their experiences with the NBN and to take photos to put on the pin map.

NBN network design dissected
NBN network design dissected

In The Australian today the focus is on how the company building the National Broadband Network will be hard-pressed to defend aspects of its network design after the most recent update to the Network Design Rules (NDR). The decision by the government to force NBN to use a lowest cost rollout approach has meant that company finds itself adopting technologies and a network design that will be outdated even before the rollout is completed.

Telecommunications Industry and NBN in Chaos
Telecommunications Industry and NBN in Chaos

The Australian telecommunications industry has sunk into chaos and dragged the NBN into the mire with it. Yesterday on Business Spectator the slanging and punches being thrown are discussed to highlight the need for a industry commission with a broad membership. What is the alternative? More chaos that ultimately harms the industry and all Australians?

Read the article here