Turnbull gives Telstra a green light to build FTTN
Turnbull gives Telstra a green light to build FTTN

Turnbull's announcement that Telstra will build the FTTN should soon be following by an announcement that NBN Co will become a Telstra reseller of FTTN and HFC. In Business Spectator this week the implications of Turnbull's annoucement are discussed. Will the telecommunications industry roll with the changes to the NBN that means a shift towards reasserting Telstra's dominance or will concerned companies step up and challenge what is happening?

NBN Cost Benefit Analysis - orange or lemon
NBN Cost Benefit Analysis - orange or lemon

The NBN Cost Benefit Analysis and Review of Regulation should be released before the end of the month. Yesterday in Business Spectator the ins and outs of the review is discussed. The question is what will the CBA bring to the debate and will it be a complete study or only focus on elements of the telecommunications market that will lend support to the Coalition's mult-technology mix NBN? What do you think the CBA will contain?

Is it too late to save the NBN?
Is it too late to save the NBN?

The state of NBN construction is highlighted in this weeks article on Business Spectator and I ask the question "Is it too late to save the NBN?" Do you think the NBN can be saved and is the situation so bad that the NBN is doomed irrespective of whether the NBN is the Labor NBN or the Coalition multi-technology mix NBN 2.0?

Read the article here

Holding NBN Co Hostage
Holding NBN Co Hostage

Backhaul prices are too high and capacity is being drip fed onto the market to ensure prices remain high. Tasmanians suffer a regulated backhaul regime and there appears to be no light on the horizon. The telecommunication industry's history of backhaul cherry picking is discussed today in Business Spectator. Should NBN Co be held hostage by an industry that knows that NBN Co has no option but to pay and pay and pay?

Read the article here

Turnbull's claims on JJJ Hack Debate unwarranted
Turnbull's claims on JJJ Hack Debate unwarranted

During the JJJ Hack Debate on the NBN on April 16, the Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull asked the question why I have "never contacted him nor his office" and thereby implied that I was in some way living in an information vacuum. Turnbull is quite correct that I'm not a journalist, I'm an academic that is commenting on the NBN - my area of expertise. Postive and negative aspects of the NBN have been discussed over the past several years.

NBN Co: Where to next?
NBN Co: Where to next?

NBN Co has found reverse gear and has now put the foot down. How fast can it go backwards? We will have to wait and see how good the new management team are. It should come as no shock to anyone that the article on Technology Spectator discusses what the key players are doing in this lull before the rush to yesterday begins in earnest.

Read the article here