
Explainer: what are unfunded liabilities?
Explainer: what are unfunded liabilities?

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Every Australian is directly or indirectly affected by unfunded liabilities.

Yes — even you.

State and federal unfunded liabilities now total more than $200 billion and this amount is rising rapidly. Is this the state and federal debt we hear so much about on TV?

Redefining defamation in the online age
Redefining defamation in the online age

Business Spectator 16 November 2012

Google found itself in hot water this month, after a Melbourne Supreme Court jury found the search giant guilty of defaming Melbourne resident Milorad Trkulja through its search engine.

The UN's internet gabfest
The UN's internet gabfest

Business Spectator 29 November 2012

How do you fix a big problem? Well, one thing you don't do is call the United Nations and then ask that august body to do something that it has never done before.

Cyber-bullying warning in the Steubenville tragedy
Cyber-bullying warning in the Steubenville tragedy

The social media fallout from the heavily publicised US rape case has highlighted how easily social media interaction turning into cyber-bullying.

On February 13 two male high school students from Steubenville, Ohio will face a juvenile court over the alleged rape of a 16-year-old girl in August 2012.

The cyber war rulebook
The cyber war rulebook

War has always been a dirty business, both bloody and chaotic, but that hasn’t stopped us from imposing codes of conduct on combat. They might not mean a lot in the heat of battle or be relevant to achieving strategic objectives, but they are there for a reason.