
Beating Google at its own tax game
Beating Google at its own tax game

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Australians are being robbed – every minute of every day.


The exact amount is unknown but no-one should argue that a figure of around $5 billion to $10 billion per year that is lost to the Australian Taxation Office when offshore tax havens, price gouging and tax minimisation are used.

Computer thinks you're dumb: automated essay grading in the world of MOOCs
Computer thinks you're dumb: automated essay grading in the world of MOOCs

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Let us consider the following scenario.

You have enrolled in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) offered by a world renowned university.

After four weeks of solid work you have completed your first assignment and you sit down to upload the essay. Within a second of the essay being sent for grading your result appears declaring your essay to be a less than stellar effort.

How do I: Securely share files with business partners
How do I: Securely share files with business partners

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Set up an online document safe.

Sharing documents with your business partners should not be onerous but does require some caution to ensure the documents reach their intended recipients and don’t end up in the hands of your competitors or those that wish to damage your business.

A futile Queensland Health blame game
A futile Queensland Health blame game

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Welcome to Gregory's Take
Welcome to Gregory's Take

Gregory's Take provides a commentary on the telecommunication network, information technology and digital security industries in an Australian context.

Controlling the Internet
Controlling the Internet

Internet governance is one of the most important yet difficult goals facing the world today. The Internet is now an integral part of the daily lives of people around the globe, but little is known about how to guide the Internet's future.