Blog Lists

What the government doesn’t want you to know about the NBN

The Coalition government's decision to move to a second rate NBN is in trouble and why there should be a shift back to a fibre NBN is discussed at John Menadue's Pearls and Irritations.

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The Coalition’s National Broadband Network (NBN) plan is in trouble and the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull should heed the mounting calls for the Coalition NBN plan to be dropped before the nation’s digital future is harmed irreparably.

The most expensive HFC deal in the world

In The Australian NBN Co's $1.6 billion HFC remediation deal with Telstra is discussed and how the multi-tecfhnology mix National Broadband Network is benefiting Telstra should be a worry for the telecommunications industry.

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Microwave offers internet speed to high-density suburbs

This week in The Australian the growth of small companies providing broadband on the urban fringe is highlighted and the innovative use of low cost microwave links to overcome the lack of fixed infrastructure has provided many homes with high speed broadband.

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Can NBN withstand the pressure test?

The Coalition government's under increasing pressure to drop FTTN and a recent Senate Select hearing into the NBN heard from a range of organisations about why the NBN needs to be built with the future in mind. In The Australian the Senate hearing events are unpacked.

Read the full article below.

Australia ignores cyber security at its peril

National security is vital for the nations future and it is critical that moves to improve the security of telecommunications infrastructure be supported. In Business Spectator the Telecommunications Sector Security Reforms are discussed and why we need to support the development of good legislation.

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Stone-walling at Senate Estimates on the second-rate NBN

In responding to questions at the Senate Estimates hearing held on 9 February 2016, NBN Co CEO Bill Morrow admitted he did not know the number of nodes being built during the Fibre to the Node (FTTN) rollout and he went on to say that any information about what is being rolled out by NBN Co would be commercial-in-confidence, meaning that he would very selectively answer questions put to him by Senators.