Blog Lists

NG-PON2 is a technology that could turbocharge the NBN

NBN Co's failure to continue rolling out FTTP and to adopt second generation NG-PON2 when it becomes available in early 2016 is discussed in Business Spectator to identify how NBN Co is moving down a path that can only lead to Australia having a second rate obsolete copper access network at a time when our competitors are moving towards all fibre access networks.

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How much do FTTP NBN connections really cost?

NBN Co's Corporate Plan 2016 figures just do not stack up when it is not too hard to find figures showing the cost of rolling out FTTP falling around the world and in Business Spectator we look in our very own back yard to find that New Zealand's Chorus has provided an alternate picture to what is happening here.

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Broadband performance monitoring is good for Australia

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman Rod Sims has called for broadband performance monitoring and in Business Spectator what this would mean for the telecommunications industry is discussed including how the Telco industry is likely to fight a misguided war to stop what could only help improve consumer relations.

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Telstra’s 5G to overtake the NBN?

Telstra has announced its 5G rollout plans for 2019 and beyond at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2018 that is currently underway in Barcelona. As the first 5G capable handsets hit the market in 2019, Telstra will be fully prepared to offer the next generation mobile service by initially offering 5G coverage in inner urban areas and progressively expanding 5G coverage over time.

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NBN’s astounding results fail

NBN Co’s half year results released on Monday provide confirmation that the National Broadband Network (NBN) is a train wreck and there is nothing that can be done to get it back on the rails.

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Audit Office slaps USO contracts

The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) has found serious flaws with the Department of Communications’ contract management of selected telephone universal service obligations (USO).

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The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) has found serious flaws with the Department of Communications’ contract management of selected telephone universal service obligations (USO).