
Australia: From Leader to Follower
Australia: From Leader to Follower

Were you aware that Australia is falling further behind other nations? The slow but steady decline in Australia's broadband affordability and capability has brough about yet another shift further down the rankings to 44th. Today in Technology Spectator, the state of the Australian broadand scene is compared with international competitors. Recent events and trends do not bode well for Australia, having decided to rollout FTTN at a time when more and more nations are moving to FTTP.

What do you think the government should do?

David Thodey: Time is running out
David Thodey: Time is running out

Telstra is key to the future of the NBN and the Coalitions MTM NBN 2.0. So what will Telstra CEO David Thodey do as he approaches his fifth anniversary at Telstra? Today in Business Spectator the Thodey's way forward is discussed and it is time for the biggest decision of his career.

Read the article here

Dear David Thodey,

Will NBN Co become a Telstra reseller?
Will NBN Co become a Telstra reseller?

NBN Co CEO Bill Morrow's in a difficult position and the Senate committee's questions will not make it any easier for NBN Co to move past the current raft of difficulties facing NBN Co. There is still uncertainty about the Coalition government's multi-technology mix NBN 2.0. Will NBN Co become a Telstra reseller?

Warrnambool Exchange Fire Consumer and Social Impact Analysis Report
Warrnambool Exchange Fire Consumer and Social Impact Analysis Report

The RMIT University research team led by Dr Kaye Scholfield and Dr Mark A Gregory have released a report titled "Warrnambool Exchange Fire Consumer and Social Impact Analysis." The report includes survival guides for government (pdf), business (pdf) and families (pdf).

Brandis folly 'Stop the Bytes'
Brandis folly 'Stop the Bytes'

Senator Brandis's plan to 'Stop the Bytes' is folly and by tackling one aspect of a much larger problem the government is taking sides in an unwinable war. Yesterday on Business Spectator the issue of piracy, Australia Tax, global market segmentation, and multi-nationals failing to pay tax in Australia is discussed. What do you think of the government's efforts to 'Stop the Bytes'?

Read the article here

NBN and net neutrality: What it means for Australian consumers
NBN and net neutrality: What it means for Australian consumers

The battle raging in the US over net neutrality and the possible outcome will affect Australian consumers.