
Telstra’s 5G to overtake the NBN?
Telstra’s 5G to overtake the NBN?

Telstra has announced its 5G rollout plans for 2019 and beyond at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2018 that is currently underway in Barcelona. As the first 5G capable handsets hit the market in 2019, Telstra will be fully prepared to offer the next generation mobile service by initially offering 5G coverage in inner urban areas and progressively expanding 5G coverage over time.

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Audit Office slaps USO contracts
Audit Office slaps USO contracts

The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) has found serious flaws with the Department of Communications’ contract management of selected telephone universal service obligations (USO).

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The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) has found serious flaws with the Department of Communications’ contract management of selected telephone universal service obligations (USO).

Vodafone seeks to fix ACCC blunder
Vodafone seeks to fix ACCC blunder

Vodafone Hutchison Australia (VHA) is to seek judicial review of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) draft decision to not declare a wholesale domestic mobile roaming service. The ACCC’s draft decision to cave in to pressure from the government, Telstra, Optus and mis-informed local government and community groups has set the scene for the Federal Court to find the underlying rationale for the decision. Read more in InnovationAus.

ACCC says no to domestic mobile roaming
ACCC says no to domestic mobile roaming

The draft decision by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to not declare a wholesale domestic mobile roaming service is a missed opportunity.

USO hurdles yet to be overcome
USO hurdles yet to be overcome

The Productivity Commission has released its draft report on the Universal Service Obligation (USO) and it has recommended sweeping changes. However, there appears little opportunity for government to make changes without Telstra’s agreement.

Telstra separation is a lesson learnt from the UK
Telstra separation is a lesson learnt from the UK

Today in InnovationAus the decision by the UK communications regulator Ofcom to notify BT that it is to legally separate from Openreach is discussed in the light of how this ruling might impact on Telstra in coming years.

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The communications regulator in the UK, Ofcom, has notified BT that it is to legally separate from OpenReach after BT failed to offer voluntary proposals that address Ofcom’s competition concerns.