Curtain rises on NBN's second act

2014 is winding down but for NBN Co the way is clear to move forward in 2015. After a delay in the first half of 2015 whilst the ACCC signs off on the new Telstra and Optus agreements, we should expect NBN Co to hit the streets in the second half of the year, rolling out FTTN technology that the German government now says is obsolete and should not be used. What is the government's intent in the lead up to the next election - to build a network the nation needs or one that will put Australia behind the rest of the world?

NBN, British Telecom and turning back the clock

This week in Business Spectator NBN boss Bill Morrow recently highlighted that the company formerly known as NBN Co has instigated an information sharing scheme with UK’s biggest telco British Telecom (BT). It’s an informal agreement and while Morrow says it’s all a friendly exchange of knowledge to bolster NBN’s understanding of efficient network rollout and learning from BT’s extraordinarily high rate of fibre to the node (FTTN) deployment, is th

NBN's FTTN confusion makes any guarantees pointless

his week in Business Spectator the focus is on the long awaited launch of NBN's nascent fibre-to-the node (FTTN) is fast approaching and with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission potentially set to give the green light later this month, the moment of truth on just what speeds FTTN customers will get is fast approaching for Communications minister Malcolm Turnbull and the NBN.