Top 10 Technology Failures

This is my top 10 list for current technology related matters that have to be dealt with to improve privacy and security and reduce cost and poor performance. If you have anything that I have missed and should be on the list please let me know.

1. Multi-national ICT corporation rip-off forcing Australians to pay high prices

2. Multi-national ICT failure to pay adequate Australia taxation and Tax Office failure to make them pay - The NBN would be free for all if these multi-nationals coughed up back taxes owing.

3. Global roaming telephone and data rip-off, not as bad now but still a problem

4. Adopting an upgrade approach to the NBN rather than sticking with the overbuild approach

5. myGov poor security is indicative of government inaction regarding security and privacy concerns

6. Government failure to introduce mandatory data breach reporting, Privacy Amendment (Privacy Alerts) Bill 2014 before parliament.

7. The telecommunication industry failure to increase core and backhaul capacity faster than demand so Australians suffer from congestion and high costs.

8. Failure to provide free Wi-Fi on trains, trams, buses and planes which would lead to productivity increase due to better time utilisation.

9. Government failure to update the universal service obligation to include data

10. Failure by broadcast television to actually transmit HD (true, full, whatever you want to call it) and to increase the hours per week with HD over time

---- > below the line

11. Failure to incorporate digital radio into mobile cellular handsets