
Stop Online Piracy Act draws battle lines for 'control' of the internet

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Battle lines have been drawn in the US between proponents of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), currently being debated, and those who oppose any regulation of the internet.

SCAMwatch – a helping hand against online scammers

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Crimes of confidence, known as scams, are on the rise. You probably know the basics. The way the most common type of scam works involves you being presented with an offer, product or service for which you pay and then don’t receive anything.

Scams have always been big business and perpetrators have adapted quickly to new technology. Telephone, mail and now the internet have provided an ever-growing platform for large-scale, and coordinated, scam attacks.

Verizon Wireless vs Telstra: the great mobile rip-off continues

Does the recent announcement by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) of a new code of practice to prevent bill shock for “long-suffering telco customers”, and improve product marketing practices, bring Australia up to par with its international cousins?

In a word: no.

Cheaper hardware, software and digital downloads? Here’s how

Australians are paying about twice as much as they should for a range of tech products including computers, software and digital downloads.

It’s time for the government to act to bring this shameful situation to an end, to stop foreign multinationals from ripping us off. But until then, people should take steps to lower the cost of buying tech products. How? Read on.

Australia's shame: military superannuation leaves Diggers in poverty

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Defence force families in Australia are falling into poverty because military superannuation funds and pensions are not indexed at a fair rate.

Is this how we, as Australians, want to treat those who have risked their lives to protect the freedoms we cherish?

Will we face a situation where former soldiers and their families are living in penury during their old age?


MOOC and you're out of a job: uni business models in danger

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION: The rise of online and blended learning and the development of free online courses is set to transform the higher education sector. We’ve asked our authors how to remake the university sector so it can best respond to this revolution.

Explainer: what are unfunded liabilities?

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Every Australian is directly or indirectly affected by unfunded liabilities.

Yes — even you.

State and federal unfunded liabilities now total more than $200 billion and this amount is rising rapidly. Is this the state and federal debt we hear so much about on TV?


Redefining defamation in the online age

Business Spectator 16 November 2012

Google found itself in hot water this month, after a Melbourne Supreme Court jury found the search giant guilty of defaming Melbourne resident Milorad Trkulja through its search engine.

Beating Google at its own tax game

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Australians are being robbed – every minute of every day.


The exact amount is unknown but no-one should argue that a figure of around $5 billion to $10 billion per year that is lost to the Australian Taxation Office when offshore tax havens, price gouging and tax minimisation are used.

A futile Queensland Health blame game

Read the original article on The Australian

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