
Are Australian international roaming charges the greatest rip-off in history?

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

What’s the greatest rip-off going? Maybe so many come to mind that you’re reaching for a pen.

Your list might look something like this:

Verizon Wireless vs Telstra: the great mobile rip-off continues

Does the recent announcement by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) of a new code of practice to prevent bill shock for “long-suffering telco customers”, and improve product marketing practices, bring Australia up to par with its international cousins?

In a word: no.

Why Australians want roaming rip-offs to stop

Business Spectator - 29 August 2012

Telecommunications companies already make mammoth profits from international roaming charges and these profits have only increased with the introduction of smart phones. Telcos now not only apply international roaming charges to phone calls, but to other popular services like SMS, email, web browsing and social media use as well.

Explainer: what is 4G?

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

If you’re looking to buy a new smartphone or computer you’ve probably seen advertisements and offers for 4G-compatible devices. You might even own a 4G-compatible device already.

But just what is 4G? How does it compare to existing 3G networks? And what is the current availability of 4G networks in Australia?

How safe is your smartphone?

Business Spectator 20 September 2012

International roaming charges rip-off: the ITU gets involved ...

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has entered the debate about excessive international roaming charges by recommending measures that will improve consumer awareness and encourage operators to lower tariffs.

On September 14 in Geneva, ITU Secretary General Hamadoun I Touré said:

The future of smartphone marketing

Business Spectator 9 November 2012

The introduction of smartphones has been a catalyst for the innovative use of technology to bring business and customers closer together. With Australian start-ups competing on the international stage to make the most of the smartphone revolution, they certainly have what it takes to give their well-funded overseas rivals a run for their money.  

The rise of location-based advertising

How to avoid more Vodafails

Vodafone is once again bemoaning its competitive disadvantages and yet it refuses to invest in its network. Perhaps a bit of forced competition could actually help the telco.

Vodafone would have the public – and the government – believe that Telstra is taking advantage of call termination fees which is the fee a carrier pays to another carrier when a customer calls someone on the other carrier’s network.

How to use the unsold spectrum

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The communications minister Stephen Conroy must be feeling suitably chastened by the final outcome of the digital dividend auction, now that some of the spectrum on offer has gone unsold. However, with 30 out of of 700 Megahertz band spectrum still left on the table, could the federal government utilise it for a better purpose?

Panel Member ACMA Mobile Network Performance Forum

On Thursday, I will be an afternoon panel member at the ACMA Mobile Network Performance Forum to be held at Cinema 1, ACMI Cinemas, Federation Square, Melbourne. This will be an exciting event where panels will tackle the issues surrounding mobile cellular network performance and what can be done to improve customer awareness and network performance. This is your opportunity to come along and hear from a range of organisations about mobile network performance.