Turnbull's TPG Tangle

Turnbull's headlong rush to find a solution to the TPG problem has had unexpected consequences for the telecommunication industry. The mess being created by Turnbull could take years to fix and considerable compensation for the companies affected by the telecommunications chaos. This week in Business Spectator the government's attempt to regulate a solution to TPG's FTTB cherry picking is discussed and what this will mean for the industry is identified.

NBN: The good, the bad and the downright unfair

The NBN Co FTTB product technology specification highlights why FTTB/N should not be part of the NBN, but the government is pushing ahead with the multi-technology mix NBN that will leave Australia behind our competitors in the race to be a leader in the global digital economy. The details are discussed in an article in Business Spectator and the result will leave you wondering why is the government pushing ahead with an obsolete technology.

TPG back on its Fibre Horse

TPG Networks have re-released a FTTB product after taking steps to comply with the government's rushed Carrier Licence Condition which has had little effect other than forcing TPG to raise the FTTB connection costs by about 15 per cent - is this what the government meant by "cheaper, faster, sooner"?


NBN will suffer due to telco's lack of vision

The videotelephone revolution has been a long time coming and if Australia's telecommunication networks are anything to go by we will be waiting for a long time before videotelephony becomes the norm. In Business Spectator the reasons why videotelephony is not mainstream are discussed and why this will have an impact on the National Broadband Network.

Mumbo-jumbo accounting clouds NBN rollout cost

Jut to prove a point the government's hand picked team at NBN Co has changed the accounting method used in the Half Yearly Report released recently so that the figures coincide with the government's copius NBN related reviews and audits carried out in the year following the 2013 election. In Business Spectator the dubious nature of the accounting used is analysed and what is missing has been identified.

NBN and USO: Searching for a better alignment

The government has announced another review of the USO and how it should integrate with the NBN. Improved reach, new technologies and more competition are possible, but how will the government overcome the 20 year agreement the former government signed with Telstra? Telstra can play a big part in an improved USO, but so can NBN Co. The potential outcomes are discussed in Business Spectator this week.

Read the full article below


The NBN Fibre Cost Shock

NBN Co's FTTN/ Fibre on Demand has been released and the cost will shock most people. This week in Business Spectator the details of NBN Co's FTTN/FOD are discussed and what this means for customers that want to upgrade to FTTP is described and the outcome is not pleasant.

Read the full article below

Telecommunications Association NBN Presentation 28 April 2015

One 28 April 2015 at 12:30pm, I will be giving a presentation on the NBN at the monthly Telecommunications Association Lunchtime Seminar to be held at the Telstra Conferencing Centre, Level 1 / 242 Exhibition St, Melbourne VIC 3000. For further information and how to attend please register here.

Why the NBN can do without fibre-to-the-node

NBN Co has quietly sent out tenders for a national FTTN rollout using obsolete VDSL2 technology. This week in Business Spectator what this means is discussed and why NBN Co should drop VDSL2 and move to FTTdp/G.Fast. If copper is to be used then NBN Co needs to focus on competitive technology, not obsolete FTTN/VDSL2.

NBN Design Rules go MIA

Transparency may be the new motto at NBN Co but the company building the National Broadband Network (NBN) has slowly but steadily reduced the technical information available to the public about how the network is to be built. And why the updated Design Rules have not been released is discussed in Business Spectator with an explanation of why the Design Rules are an important aspect of the NBN debate.

Read the full article below