Telco reform an attack on the ACCC

The Turnbull Government’s threatening stance towards the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is discussed in InnovationAus as the Government's efforts have been ramped up with the announcement that plans to repeal the telecommunications-specific anti-competitive conduct laws in Part XIB of the

On opaque NBN Co reporting

NBN co's opaque reporting attracts criticism.

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NBN Co is a text book example of why Government Business Enterprises (GBE) attract criticism. In 2017, the company’s government-appointed senior management team is set to bumble along with a failed business model, whilst rolling out obsolete Fibre to the Node (FTTN) technology to about six million premises.

NBN Co model gets hammered

NBN Co's business model gets hammered.

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For the hard-working staff at NBN Co, the nonsense being spruiked by CEO Bill Morrow must be hard to swallow. For the rest of Australia, Mr Morrow’s comments are a sign that the wheels have fallen off and there is an urgent need for the company to change direction and management team.

NBN thin-skinned social censors

NBN Co has ramped up efforts to censor critics.

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NBN Co has ramped up efforts to censor critics and has labelled individuals and not-for-profits that provide feedback or are critical of the National Broadband Network (NBN) as trolls, mischevious and disrespectful.

NBN Tax yet another mistep

The Turnbull government is set to introduce a new levy on telecommunications companies that offer 25 Mbps or faster internet connections to contribute towards regional and remote broadband.Republish this article

The levy, starting at $7.10 per subscriber increasing to about $8 per subscriber

Complaint file grows at NBN Co

Criticism of NBN Co’s failure to address consumer complaints is steadily increasing. Rather than address the complaints, NBN CEO Bill Morrow and his growing team of media handlers and spin merchants are working overtime to bury the extent of the problem. Read more at InnovationAus.

NBN versus the natural gas rollout

NBN Co's efforts to muddy the waters on Australian infrastructure expenditure for a next generation broadband network fails to move beyond cliche amidst a cost blowout and increasing rollout delays for the second rate obsolete national broadband network.

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High long-term cost of NBN

The Federal Government's decision to shift the National Broadband Network from the future proof FTTP to the obsolete copper based technology mix in 2014 is an infrastructure disaster that will have a long-term detrimental effect on Australia's economy.

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$30b NBN blunder: More bad news

Malcolm Turnbull’s multi-technology mix National Broadband Network (NBN) was comprehensively undermined last week when BT’s Openreach CEO Clive Selley indicated that 10 million UK premises could have Fibre to the Premise (FTTP) by the mid-2020s.

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NBN’s astounding results fail

NBN Co’s half year results released on Monday provide confirmation that the National Broadband Network (NBN) is a train wreck and there is nothing that can be done to get it back on the rails.

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