
Top ten tech predictions for 2013

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

NBN Public Policy Process Audit

Turnbull's most recent NBN audit must rise above politics if it is to achieve a believable and reasonable outcome. But will it? There are so many factors to the NBN debate and Turnbull must realise by now that he will have to pull a rabbit out of the hat to justify the multi-technology mix NBN. Can he? In this weeks article in Technology Spectator the NBN public policy process audit is discussed.

Playing NBN Politics with the ACCC

The government took the unusual step of writing to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commision (ACCC) chairman Rod Sims to plead for the 2011 agreement between NBN Co and Telstra to be during the ACCC’s public inquiry into making Final Access Determinations (FADs) for the declared fixed-line services. Is Turnbull another Alan Bond?

Baby Steps for NBN Co

NBN Co has slowed down the rollout whilst the new Telstra agreement is finalised. During the lull NBN Co is trying to sort out some of the issues found during the start-up years. In Business Spectator read about the baby steps taken by NBN Co to fix the construction process and pricing structure are welcome news for the telecommunications industry.

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Sitting on a congested one lane NBN

Have you ever wondered what it will be like to have a faster NBN and to find that you still suffer from congestion and cannot get anything done? Well, the Coalition's multi-technology mix NBN appears to be headed in that direction. And there does not appear to be any concern from the company spending $43 billion to build the NBN. In Business Spectator the problems with a lack of capacity and the resulting congestion are discussed.

Tasmania's NBN fibre freeze

The government's multi-technology mix national broadband network has effectively meant there is a fibre freeze in Tasmania and this is the worst possible outcome for a state that is in need of a technology transformation. In Business Spectator Tasmania's NBN fibre freeze is discussed and why there is a need for a rethink on the MTM NBN.

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NBN Co's great gamble

The great Hybrid-Fibre Coax gamble is well underway at NBN Co and what this will mean for consumers is discussed in Business Spectator. The promises of future upgrades and black spot remediation are under the microscope as there is increasing evidence that the short term promise of a quick boost in NBN customer numbers provided by existing HFC customers is too big a cherry for the government and the communications minister Malcolm Turnbull to overlook.

NBN and net neutrality: What it means for Australian consumers

The battle raging in the US over net neutrality and the possible outcome will affect Australian consumers.

NBN will suffer due to telco's lack of vision

The videotelephone revolution has been a long time coming and if Australia's telecommunication networks are anything to go by we will be waiting for a long time before videotelephony becomes the norm. In Business Spectator the reasons why videotelephony is not mainstream are discussed and why this will have an impact on the National Broadband Network.

The Active International Response to Cyber Crime

The international cyber-security versus cyber-crime battle is gathering pace and what we’re seeing is the formation of international alliances to fight this rising scourge. However, the online world is unlike any other, it will take more than a defensive mindset to win this battle. Today in CSO the active response option is highlighted and moves around the world to take the fight to cyber-criminals are discussed.

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