Peeling back the darknet

The darknet is a private network that utilises non-standard protocols and Internet Protocol ports. We're you aware that there is a battle going on to break into some of the well known examples of darknet including the one buit with Tor? What is happening is discussed today in an article in CSO and why it is important to every organisation to keep an eye on the battle over the darknet's future.

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Is Telstra Wi-Fi anti-competitive?

Telstra’s nationwide Wi-Fi network has recently been launched amidst some confusion over infrastructure ownership, payments and access to facilities funded wholely or in part by the universal service obligation.

Turnbull's TPG Tangle

Turnbull's headlong rush to find a solution to the TPG problem has had unexpected consequences for the telecommunication industry. The mess being created by Turnbull could take years to fix and considerable compensation for the companies affected by the telecommunications chaos. This week in Business Spectator the government's attempt to regulate a solution to TPG's FTTB cherry picking is discussed and what this will mean for the industry is identified.

Mumbo-jumbo accounting clouds NBN rollout cost

Jut to prove a point the government's hand picked team at NBN Co has changed the accounting method used in the Half Yearly Report released recently so that the figures coincide with the government's copius NBN related reviews and audits carried out in the year following the 2013 election. In Business Spectator the dubious nature of the accounting used is analysed and what is missing has been identified.

NBN and USO: Searching for a better alignment

The government has announced another review of the USO and how it should integrate with the NBN. Improved reach, new technologies and more competition are possible, but how will the government overcome the 20 year agreement the former government signed with Telstra? Telstra can play a big part in an improved USO, but so can NBN Co. The potential outcomes are discussed in Business Spectator this week.

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Abbott's copyright kowtow a step backwards

The discussion this week in Business Spectator revolves around how the Abbott government has caved in to sustained pressure from the US media industry and introduced copyright laws into parliament that appear to have the sole purpose of stamping out the rebellion against delayed access to content and rip-off prices. Was it a coincidence that the Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull introduced the

NBN's FTTN confusion makes any guarantees pointless

his week in Business Spectator the focus is on the long awaited launch of NBN's nascent fibre-to-the node (FTTN) is fast approaching and with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission potentially set to give the green light later this month, the moment of truth on just what speeds FTTN customers will get is fast approaching for Communications minister Malcolm Turnbull and the NBN.

The secret trade deal that rewrites Australian telco rules

Will there be anything left of the Australian telecommunications industry if the government signs up to a secret trade deal?

NBN Network Design Rules highlight problems ahead

The National Broadband Network design rules are discussed in Business Spectator and the multi-technology mix mess takes centre stage.

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Telcos caught in a security firefight

The Federal governments draft amendment to the Telecommunications Act aims to force Telcos to implement security reforms that will compel the Telcos to hand over confidential information about their networks. What the changes will mean to the Telcos is discussed in Business Spectator.

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