NBN Co finally ramps up construction personnel

The rationale for NBN Co's push to help construction companies ramp up their rollout teams is discussed in Business Spectator and there are quite a few questions that need to be asked of the failed approach taken to carry out the construction of the NBN.

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Can Australian Telecommunications become more affordable?

The general consensus at the annual Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) national conferenceis was that the cost of telecommunications can be more affordable and the hows and why are discussed in Business Spectator to show that the consumer perspective is an important view that Telcos and the government regulator shou

How much do FTTP NBN connections really cost?

NBN Co's Corporate Plan 2016 figures just do not stack up when it is not too hard to find figures showing the cost of rolling out FTTP falling around the world and in Business Spectator we look in our very own back yard to find that New Zealand's Chorus has provided an alternate picture to what is happening here.

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Quigley fights back on NBN costs

In Business Spectator the fight back by former NBN Co CEO Mike Quigley highlights the dodgy figures being used by the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to justify the second rate NBN being provided under his watch that will ultimately be far more expensive than an all fibre fixed-access network and delivered years after it should be.

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Turnbull moves to undermine the ACCC

The Turnbull government has moved to undermine the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission at a time when monopoly infrastructure regulation is critical for the future of the Australian telecommunications industry and in Business Spectator Turnbull's effort to justify the move using yet another dodgy review is discussed.

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The great digital TV rip-off

The great digital television rip-off sits right up their atop the podium and it is unlike any other because of the decade of false promises, made by an industry now struggling to stay afloat, about how digital television will amaze us with its remarkably high quality and at the same time the electronics industry has made a fortune selling digital televisions that many of us cannot use to their full potential due to the low quality of digital television transmission.

Microwave offers internet speed to high-density suburbs

This week in The Australian the growth of small companies providing broadband on the urban fringe is highlighted and the innovative use of low cost microwave links to overcome the lack of fixed infrastructure has provided many homes with high speed broadband.

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ACCC gets tough on Telcos

This week in the reasons behind the ACCC's targeted action to ensure that the Telcos provide consumers with improved information is discussed. There is a considerable lag occurring between changes to consumer expectations and the rate at which the Telcos react and it is timely that the ACCC has stepped in.

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ACCC to review roaming charges

An article in InnovationAus discusses the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) announcement of an inquiry into “whether or not to declare a wholesale domestic mobile roaming service” is a timely reminder that the troubled Australian mobile cellular market remains one of the most expensive and least competitive in the world.

ACCC under pressure to fix mobile roaming

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) may finally be taking the steps necessary for it to understand why it should fix its flawed 2017 decision not to declare domestic mobile roaming in regional and remote areas.

Read the original article on InnovationAus

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