
Explainer: what is a virtual private network (VPN)?

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Have you ever wanted to exist in more than one place at the same time?

The laws of physics suggest wormholes through space and time are hypothetical; but wormholes do exist in cyberspace and wonders can be found on the other side.

The Coalition's NBN a hard sell

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With only four and a half months to go until the election it appears that only a miracle will save the government from electoral oblivion.

NBN Co's bad telco habits

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The relationship between the telecommunications industry and its customers has always been adversarial with the telcos seen as a necessary evil; their promises of “customer satisfaction”, “value for money” and transparency disregarded as disingenuous PR speak.

Backhaul remains the NBN's weak link

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Tasmanians have been discriminated against since the beginning of the internet era and neither the Labor nor the Coalition's National Broadband Network (NBN) addresses the key deficiency. The main problem is backhaul, which remains the NBN's weakest link.

Testing Turnbull's NBN resolve

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Will the NBN be 'affordable' without Huawei?

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Now that the election is done and dusted we need to turn our attention to the broadband minefield that the Abbott government needs to navigate. There will be casualties and some hard decisions to be made along the way, particularly about the involvement of Huawei.

SPECIAL REPORT: Upgrading the Coalition NBN

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The National Broadband Network is a vital nation building project that has been plagued by ongoing criticism of the network design, cost blow-out claims and ongoing construction delays. Despite its grand ambitions NBN Co has managed to connect far fewer premises to the NBN than originally identified in the first NBN Co rollout plan.

Controlling the Internet

Internet governance is one of the most important yet difficult goals facing the world today. The Internet is now an integral part of the daily lives of people around the globe, but little is known about how to guide the Internet's future.

NBN reviews are not what we have been told

Have you ever felt that your leg is being pulled? Well the government told us that they would carry out open and independent reviews of the National Broadband Network (NBN) and by the evidence available the reviews are little more than a change management process.

If the government continues along the current path then the review report due out on 2 December 2013 will be little more than lightweight technically deficient justification for change.

What's next for NBN Co

Only two weeks to go until the NBN Co review report. The big money is betting on Australia aiming to buck the trend against FTTP and aim low by proceeding down the UK BT FTTN approach. Can we do it? Can we really achieve the world's first brass medal for the worst new broadband network? What should NBN Co be really doing? Here are five things that could be done immediately.

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